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What is the Courtesy Adjustment Process & Timeline?

Courtesy Adjustment Request Process

What you need to know after you have applied for a courtesy adjustment.

After a courtesy leak adjustment request has been received, it will be forwarded to the billing department for formal consideration. At WKUD we strive to do our utmost to help our customers that are facing a larger than normal bill due to an unexpected leak at their service address. Please be aware of the following as your account is considered for a courtesy adjustment: 

Though we do our best to give a courtesy adjustment to all customers that apply, please note that your application does not guarantee you will receive an adjustment. 

Courtesy adjustments are not issued immediately upon receipt of your request. One or two billing cycles may pass before your adjustment is issued, as adjustments are only considered after the gallon usage of water has returned to normal for your account. 

Per the West Knox Utility District courtesy adjustment policy, our customers are allowed ONE courtesy adjustment per service address for a 12-month period. (i.e., if a customer has a leak in January of 2023 and receives a courtesy adjustment during the same month, then the customer will not be eligible for a courtesy adjustment at the same addressagain until January 2024) 

** Please be aware that submitting a courtesy adjustment does not prevent disconnection of water service. If a balance will not be paid in full by the due date required, please contact Ms. Shubert in the collections department at 865-690-2521 ext 209. 

For any questions regarding the courtesy leak adjustment process or required qualifications, please contact the billing department at 865-690-2521.